Let sparks fly this Bonfire Night November 02, 2019Blue Horizons Collaborator Bring the heat with a little mutual masturbation.
Four Spooky Sex Positions October 30, 2019Blue Horizons Collaborator Get your blood moving and send those extra calories to the grave.
Sexual Health Week 2019 September 16, 2019Blue Horizons Collaborator This week is about putting to bed old fashioned views and stereotypes about people with disabilities and their needs, desires and relationships with sex.
For The Love of Cranberries September 06, 2019Blue Horizons Collaborator Reap the health benefits of these little red pearls whether that's fresh, frozen, juiced, or in a cosmo.
Using Lube is Normal - Get Creative With It August 27, 2019Blue Horizons Collaborator When you're game for sex but your vagina isn’t playing ball lube is the answer!
Reach The High Heavens With Our CBD Bliss Oil August 26, 2019Blue Horizons Collaborator Take your orgasm to the next level with some stimulating CBD bliss oil.
WooWoo x Feel Unique August 25, 2019Blue Horizons Collaborator Our range is now available in Feelunique’s new #FEELINGMYSELF category, a sex positive self-love category home to pre, during and post play products.
What to Say When He Doesn't Want To Wear a Condom August 21, 2019Blue Horizons Collaborator Ways to get him to wear the condom when it feels like he’s definitely (over)done his research on excuses not to.
A Festival Guide For Your Vagina August 09, 2019Blue Horizons Collaborator What to pack besides wellies and anti bac!
Celebrating the Big 'O' July 31, 2019Blue Horizons Collaborator It’s National Orgasm Day - let’s shout and moan it from the rooftops.
Why We Love "Feminists Don't Wear Pink And Other Lies" July 01, 2019Blue Horizons Collaborator Calling all bookworms. If you haven’t read a book for a while and you’re looking for something to get stuck into this weekend you’re in luck. We recommend heading straight...
5 Ways To Improve Your Sex Life June 01, 2019Blue Horizons Collaborator A healthy sex-life has many proven benefits; both physically and emotionally!